
Using Confluence Query Language (CQL) space and Confluence administrators can watch/unwatch certain pages based off a query. This allows you to do things like watch/unwatch all pages that contain a certain label. If you are new to CQL, please look at Atlassian guide. You can also create custom CQL queries that meet your team’s needs by using ScriptRunner’s Custom CQL Functions. To find out more take a look at the ScriptRunner documentation.


Functionality for Confluence administrators - Confluence administrators can access the built-in scripts through the ScriptRunner for Confluence section in the administration menu. Confluence administrators have the ability to execute CQL queries for all Confluence spaces.


Functionality for space administrators- Space administrators can acces the built-in scripts through the Adavanced Space Functionality section of the Space tools menu. Space administrators are limited to executing CQL queries for the spaces that they have access to.

Built-in Scripts for Confluence Administrators

In the Confluence administration menu you can execute the CQL watch and unwatch queries to watch or unwatch pages and blogs.

built in scripts page

  • To execute CQL queries you need to click the CQL Query Watch link:

cql query

CQL Query Watch

  • You can, for example, execute a CQL query watch to watch all pages with a marketing label.

cql query watch watch

CQL Query Unwatch

  • You can, for example, execute the a CQL query to unwatch all pages in a specific space (with space key ds is this example) created more than four weeks ago

cql query watch unwatch

Built-in Scripts for Space Administrators

Space administrators have the same functionality as Confluence administrators.

  • You can access the Advanced Space Functionality section through Space tools.

space tools
space tools advanced functionality
  • For functionality please refer to the Built-in Scripts for Confluence Administrators section above.

For how-to questions please ask on Atlassian Answers where there is a very active community. Adaptavist staff are also likely to respond there.

Ask a question about ScriptRunner for JIRA, for for Bitbucket Server, or for Confluence.